1st Print21 and EFI webinar great success


This notice was originally published on Print21, on Friday, 1st June 2018. 

Syncoms’ Ali Jaffar joined Print21 editor Patrick Howard from a late evening in London to discuss the benefits and strategies of Web2Print solutions for the commercial print industry.

Supported by EFI, Thursday’s first webinar in the three-part Business Builder Series explored how to transform your business with effective training and recruiting as presented by Jaffar, Syncoms’ vice president of print and technology.

The one hour session focused on driving operational success, retraining and hiring, eCommerce skills, as well as crafting job notices for your desired team of employees.

Webinar participants were also welcomed to a Q+A with Jaffar at the end of the presentation.

Listen to Thursday’s first webinar here and catch up before part two where Jaffar will discuss “The Ultimate Pitch” and effective selling techniques for Web2Print services.

Register now and join Print21 and EFI at 10am AEST on June 21, 2018.